" content='writer; freelance writing; make money as a freelance writer; how to make money as a freelance writer; how to make money online as a writer; how to build a writing career; how to pitch editors; learn how to become a writer; learn how to become a freelance writer; name='keywords'/>

Hiett Prize in the Humanities

We are now accepting applications for the 15th Annual Hiett Prize in the Humanities.
The Hiett Prize in the Humanities is an annual award of $50,000 aimed at identifying candidates in the early stages of a career devoted to the humanities and whose work shows extraordinary promise to have a significant impact on contemporary culture.
  1. Letter of Recommendation/Nomination (from an individual with a well-established career in the humanities)
  2. Curriculum Vitae (4-page maximum)
  3. Narrative Profile of Accomplishments and Published Work (no length requirement. published works are not required.)
  4. Plan for Future Scholarship and/or Projects in the Humanities (no length requirement)
  5. Applicant Must Reside in the United States

Project Submission and Titles Applicant

Cynthia Crosby, Author

Published via Kindle Direct Publishing/Amazon
Freelance Writing Career Profile details the basics of article writing, pitching editors, how a writer should establish a writers profile, niche, portfolio, and how to submit query letters. The book is a career establishment tool, and its premise is on establishing a writer profile of expertise, writing samples, and expertise in a particular niche. The book series is a progression work project, that includes interviews, research, and career documentation

Freelance Writing for Executives, it details how executives, can further their mission by hiring freelance writers to write, along their cause and mission, this includes articles, press releases, proposals, biographical profiles, and feature stories. The highlight or angle in the book is for government executives in various branches of the government, civil service executives

Success Advice from Freelance Writers Earning $100,000 or more, a compilation of interviews and testimonials from expert writers earning $100,000 or more as freelancers. The book will teach other writers how to establish their career, how to be successful, where to find opportunities, and tips and advice on how to pitch editors, and will include productivity and time management tips

Freelance Writing Industries and the Newsletter, as beginner writers we all want to know where our writing is most served, what industries cater to a specific niche, or specialty, and what topics we are most comfortable writing in
Pitching Querying and the Art of Success, in this final book, of the series, we teach success strategies for freelance writers and how to pitch editors, formulate queries and create success as freelance writers

Freelance Writing Pros! Top Online Tools and Profiles

Cofounders Lab



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Free Publication Guide!

Freelance Writing Skills


New Freelance Writing Skills

Setting up project and accounting software

One of the main things you need as a freelancer is proper accounting, bookkeeping business management, to ensure you are processing invoices correctly, documenting your income, expenses, and tracking your workload, and making projections.

Invoicing Software

Due and Wave are two new accounting platforms I have found to be useful. PayPal is really great to, and Canva has really unique invoice designs, you can send directly to clients via email. An electronic invoicing and accounting platform is a viable solution for time savings, automation, and organization.

Project Management Software
Managing your project work, and the amount of projects you are working on, is a super amazing task and away for you to get a full picture of the amount of projects you have, billable hours, and income projections for the month, and work planning for the rest of the year.

Time Management Tools

The Promodor method of time tracking is new to me, but I recently discovered, the method, via an article and found the 25 minute work increments to be useful, as well as having a time tracker ;helps you to stay on track, meet personal time management goals and gives you the ability to complete your work and take breaks in an effective amount of time.

Book Publishing

Since I decided to become a freelance writer in January, I have learned so much, because I had taken the winter, and spring to learn, and study and research, the best methods of study, and new career choice i was making, I had also, studied various methods of study for book authoring and writing, in the Fall so I was ready to take on the task of becoming a book author, and by doing so, i made my goal of becoming a writer even more real.

Kindle Book Publishing

Kindle accepts books published by authors and hosts them on their reader platform

Amazon Book Publishing'

Amazon allows authors to publish paperback copies, of their books and list them for sell on the Amazon publishing platform. Amazon Book publishing is a great platform and is notarized as a note worthy platform for authors, and give new authors a chance to publish their own books.


I reached my one year blogging anniversary on my personal blog, and created Freelance Writing pros earlier this year, blogging, has become easier, blog planning has not been any easier, than just writing and posting, Planning is better, I am able to plan around the topics i am currently working on, and also have opportunities to plan larger articles, and maybe even have guest posts featured on my blog. or guest post on other blogs.


Getting my works published this month left my inbox empty and unanswered queries sounding like silent space. I am happy to have the opportunity to have more articles published in publications, and also to expand my career profile as a writer, I was intimidated at the aspect of not being ready for the publishing outlets, I would dream to write for, but I know and understand like with a job, their is entry level, and promotions, promotion comes after you have built your expertise as a writer.

New Writer Learning Curves and Staying on top While Waiting for Editors to Answer Your Queries,


New Writer Learning Curves, and Staying on top, While Waiting for Editors to Answer Your Queries

n the beginning, the writing process can seem long and tedious, and grueling.  Waiting for queries, and pitches to be answered, with a blank inbox. I know how this feels, after publishing my first article, I was excited I had found a career path that had proven to be successful. I continued educating myself, and worked on my freelance writing platform, and also, made a few choices in my personal career.

I now have a direct path to where to find jobs, and how to look for work, and have identified the best work mode, for my own, experience level.  It can be stressful, after having your first artcile published, and then having, submitted other queries, with no answer, but I know it is not a be all and end all to my new chosen career direction.  

It is important to note, freelance writing, is a very vast industry, and there are many magazine, and blog sites, that many freelance writers are competing with. One of the important things to do is to create a list, of freelance writing jobs, and have them handy, for when times seem slow, or when you feel like you have been waiting over a month for editors to answer your queries.

One of the main things is to keep work, you can always optin to content mills, they are sometimes shuned upon by other writers, but they too cite, that they will keep money coming, when there is no steady paycheck.

I love to write, so that gives me a leg up, building a professional career profile is also importnat to me, because, I too want to get published by top magazines like Huffington Post, Forbes, and Entrepreneur magazines.  Being intimidated means you are not ready, so I have to make sure my online profiles, and work is at A+ level, and that we both are creating opportunities for maximum exposure.

This is a Freelance Writers Career Profile, a book I wrote, after deciding to become a freelance writier, I thought very hard about my chosen career path, after failing as an entrepreneur in my first brick and mortar store opportunity.  

This is an affiliate link to a more indept freelance writing course training, if you make a purchase, I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. 


When did you decide to become a freelance writer?  I had been researching online, while I was working in my brick and mortar store, how to market online, and build an audience.  I came across, articles, and freelance writer websites, that teach others how to get paid for things like blogging, article writing and copywriting.  I was intrigued:and it piqued my interest, because I love to write, and always thought about the possibility of become a writer.

What made you decide to take the leap and actually become a Writer?  The learning aspect, the things I was learning wasfphenomenal and I was taken in a lot of information, that I had been searching for for quite sometime, and I decided to put pen to paper and just write.

Where can we find samples of your work online? I host a blog on Blogger, called  Freelance Writing Pros it features my first published article, and writing samples, it also features, tips, and topics of interest to new and beginner writers.

You just Published a Book on Amazon, tell us a little more about it. Freelance Writing Career Profile, is a super amazing career guide, that will take a writer, from Writer, to career expert, with a strategic career path, that is easy to manage.  It helps to solve time management issuces, and the mid-career stall.

What Plans do you have as a Writer?  I have three more books planned, in a series, as I continue to grow as a Freelance Writer, some things I have not learned yet, but thought about when I was planning my first book, as I too grow and develop in my career, I want to give back to the professional industry, by teaching others how to become successful writers as well, I also want to showcase, some of the professional writers I learned from as I was starting out.

Achieving Business Milestones for Success and Growth in Business


Achieving Business Milestones for Success and Growth in Business

Business Partnerships and Landing Affiliations

Freelance Writing Pros begun as a blog seeking to grow its audience of freelance writing professionals, to desired levels of success as paid writers.  The company's blog features tips and resources on how to become a freelance writer, how writers can enhance their freelance writing career, and what industries are trending.

Today marks a milestone in the Blog's future. "Achieving business milestones, for success and growth in business, is important, as a freelance writing blog, our purpose and goal is to grow our audience of writers, and our business platform to better serve our writers, with valuable resources to enhance their careers." says Cynthia Crosby, Freelance Writing Pros Founder.

Freelance Writing Pros partnered with key business solutions tech companies, today, to assist Freelance Writing Pros, and its audience of writers, with tools in productivity, research and writing support, communication tools, and many independent service based tools, to assist in personal and business productivity.

In addition to articles, and courses, offered on www.freelancewritingpros.blogspot.com, visitors, now have access to a suite of business, writing, and professional development resources, that will  enhance their daily work life and career.  "This is a monumental day. As a Freelance Writer, I sought to provide business growth and value to writers, and today I won, by formulating partnerships with other service and tech based agencies." Cynthia Crosby, Freelance Writing Pros creator announced.

Most notably two partnerships with agencies to provide support to Freelance Writing Pro's blogging and article writing needs, should need based queries arise.  There is now a article and blog writing support platform in place, for writers, editors, and publishers, who want to hire writers.  "Our audience of Freelance Writers, now have access to a suite of tech based, service companies to provide support for proposal writing, file sharing, research, business intelligence, and social media analytics."

Freelance Writing Pros is well on its way to becoming a source of information and value to writers, from all spectrums of the writing industry.  The founder started the writing company on the background of writing, communications writing for businesses, public relations writing, book writing, business plan writing, article writing, article publishing, marketing promotions, copywriting, business proposal writing, event promotions sponsorships, and a general desire and a love to write.

Freelance Writing Pros blogging platforms serves writing markets, in various niches, with general purpose in article writing, book publishing, manuscript writing, creative writing, novel writing, all for those interested in publishing their work, generally as a paid writer. The new business productivity platform, Freelance Writing Pros offers to writers, and visiting publications, will assist writers and the blogging platform in business growth, productivity, workflow management, and there is even a communications suite, which includes automation, conferencing, live chat, email management, and help desk software.

Cynthia Crosby, the blog founders says of Freelance Writing Pros' future goals, "We also want to build relationships with Editors,  to help writers, with development tasks like refining their query, and planning writing schedules.  We want to gain insights from Editors and Freelance Writing Executives, who will help show other writers the right path, to submitting their works for publishing."  Cynthia Crosby concludes.  "This will also help with planning and growth, and lead other writers to writing, and the business success they are seeking.

The next Phase of Growth for Freelance Writing Pros, will be continuing to connect with freelance writers, and to build strategic resources to support them in and along their careers. Building a strong audience of writers, who now have access to career tips, tools, and resources geared specifically towards their learning, education, and business career growth, is the blogs purpose, and reason for existence.

Freelance Writing Pros, is a writing and resource based blog, created by Entrepreneur and Blogger, Cynthia Crosby. The blog's, editorial focus is to teach beginners how to become paid freelance writers, and mid-level and professional level writers, how to develop their writing style, grow their careers, and to keep writers up-to-date on writing industry trends, and to know what Editor's are looking to publish in their publications.  

For queries to Freelance Writing Pros visit and submit your query.  For more resources check out Gina Horkey's Freelance Writing Resources, (affiliate links) 30 Days or Less Freelance Writing Success

Freelance Writing Career Profile  Is my first published book. It is available on Amazon.

0.1 per word Novel plus bonuses, Supporting other writers and


Would writing for .1 per word hurt writing standards?

I am a new writer, but when I read were a publishing company was paying 0.1 per word for a Novel, and bonuses.  I was surprised.  Maybe I have800 not done enough research on every book publishers guidelines and industry per word rate. This struck me as odd. Does accepting a book publishing deal such as this one hurt the writing market, and is it unethical not to hold to some industry standards even when you are a beginner writer.

A book writers goal is to have their book published.  Writing a novel takes time and dedication, being paid $800 for a book, and being told bonuses are available but no mention of a standard or ongoing royalty.  Is new to me.  I am not sure if this is ever and opportunity that is lucrative, unless an upfront formula or written detailed financial disclosure is provided as to what bonuses the publishing house provides. 

Some of the publishing guidelines and manuscript requests are misleading, and can put an author in a compromising position.  Even if the author is strapped for cash, I would do some research, shop around, find out what are the standards for book publishing, even for small publishing presses, who post query requests, or state their .1 per word offer.  One of the things I have found is there are very lucrative opportunities for Novel writers, so you want to be sure you maximize your opportunity to have your work published, of a mutual value standpoint, and the goals you want to achieve from your book. 

Most of the standard book publishing rates we see on published query guidelines, have been established after years of experience on both authors and book publishers. So as a writer, you want to support other writers by, keeping your work valuable, producing successful content, and creating time to research what industry standards are in place already to support you as a book publisher.

This is a one off article to state a point of concern, writers must think about all aspects of business, and contractual negotiations, and what monetary reward they ideally are seeking from their work.  I have not ran into any writing scams, yet but I would be leery of a query such as this one.

Where to begin in your Freelance Writing Career


Where to begin in your Freelance Writing Career

A Strategic Approach to Freelance Writing Success

When beginning your career as a freelance writer, there are things you need to consider. First you may be wondering where to start.  After, doing some research and shifting to new opportunities, I decided to become a freelance writer.  I love to write, and my career focus includes communications and public relations writing, so I have training as a writer, plus I remember learning about freelance writers, and their careers, how they make money, how they support themselves, their writing endeavors, and their overall career profile.

I was impressed, and new that it was a high-level career, and how I would love to one day get in and learn all about it.  I am now a published writer, and have published my first article with Writer's Weekly, my goal as freelance writer is to teach others how to write and gain success. I took a few steps before I began my career as a writer, here is what I did, and recommend to you, as a beginner writer, and seasoned professionals who can re-upstart their career by following these career aligning steps.

Research the Market

Research the freelance writing market, find articles, professionals, and publications, and begin bookmarking these resources. Think about your interest where do you see yourself as a writer? What information do you think you need to know, what information do you want to know.  List a few things you know about freelance writing, list the things you don't know, and put some time and focused Google searches about the market. Check out books about writing, at the local library and gather information, until you are informed, at the level you are seeking.

Educate yourself

Take a course on freelance writing, read articles before bed on others success as a freelance writer, calendar time to learn from the articles and information sources you bookmarked. Ask questions, join forums, on Linkedin and Facebook Groups, and make a few friends, and mentors, that you can learn from and ask question during your career.

Choose a Niche 

First take a look at these freelance writing Niches, decide on a niche based on your area of interest, general focus as a writer, and based on your career goal.  The free niche download featured here is a good start, it features over 200 Niches complied by Horkey Handbook blogger Gina Horkey, who has gained much success as a freelance writer, and teaches freelance writing in the featured course.  Her Niche guide will help you decide which niche you want to write in.

Create your writers Profile

Create a writer profile on Linkedin, or other professional profile listing website. You can create a resume as well, if you are going to be applying to writers job boards.  You can locate a few professional websites for writers a well, the main goal is to have a website link or point of direction for editors and clients, and to display in your byline, if you don't include your blog or website link. A professional writers profile will help you land more writing jobs, and establish your credibility as a writer. 

Have writing Samples

Many editors and potential clients will be looking for your published work. If you have not yet published you will want to create writing samples, some editor websites provide guidelines and require writing samples on topics they feature on their online publications.  You can use writings you already have readily available, and submit them along with your query.  It is also a good idea to create an online writing portfolio, Linkedin is a good place for this, Linkedin's publishing tool and or a link to  where your writing samples can be found.

Check  out these resources and courses, and click on the links above to learn, and begin your career as a freelance writer.

30 Days or Less to Freelance Writing Success

How to Become a Paid Freelance Writer

Freelance Writing Niches

These are affiliate links, from Horkey Handbook, Gina Horkey's  blog teaches freelance writing, the featured course has helped other writers to launch their writing careers. If you purchase the course I will make a small profit, at no additional cost to you.