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Achieving Business Milestones for Success and Growth in Business

Achieving Business Milestones for Success and Growth in Business

Business Partnerships and Landing Affiliations

Freelance Writing Pros begun as a blog seeking to grow its audience of freelance writing professionals, to desired levels of success as paid writers.  The company's blog features tips and resources on how to become a freelance writer, how writers can enhance their freelance writing career, and what industries are trending.

Today marks a milestone in the Blog's future. "Achieving business milestones, for success and growth in business, is important, as a freelance writing blog, our purpose and goal is to grow our audience of writers, and our business platform to better serve our writers, with valuable resources to enhance their careers." says Cynthia Crosby, Freelance Writing Pros Founder.

Freelance Writing Pros partnered with key business solutions tech companies, today, to assist Freelance Writing Pros, and its audience of writers, with tools in productivity, research and writing support, communication tools, and many independent service based tools, to assist in personal and business productivity.

In addition to articles, and courses, offered on www.freelancewritingpros.blogspot.com, visitors, now have access to a suite of business, writing, and professional development resources, that will  enhance their daily work life and career.  "This is a monumental day. As a Freelance Writer, I sought to provide business growth and value to writers, and today I won, by formulating partnerships with other service and tech based agencies." Cynthia Crosby, Freelance Writing Pros creator announced.

Most notably two partnerships with agencies to provide support to Freelance Writing Pro's blogging and article writing needs, should need based queries arise.  There is now a article and blog writing support platform in place, for writers, editors, and publishers, who want to hire writers.  "Our audience of Freelance Writers, now have access to a suite of tech based, service companies to provide support for proposal writing, file sharing, research, business intelligence, and social media analytics."

Freelance Writing Pros is well on its way to becoming a source of information and value to writers, from all spectrums of the writing industry.  The founder started the writing company on the background of writing, communications writing for businesses, public relations writing, book writing, business plan writing, article writing, article publishing, marketing promotions, copywriting, business proposal writing, event promotions sponsorships, and a general desire and a love to write.

Freelance Writing Pros blogging platforms serves writing markets, in various niches, with general purpose in article writing, book publishing, manuscript writing, creative writing, novel writing, all for those interested in publishing their work, generally as a paid writer. The new business productivity platform, Freelance Writing Pros offers to writers, and visiting publications, will assist writers and the blogging platform in business growth, productivity, workflow management, and there is even a communications suite, which includes automation, conferencing, live chat, email management, and help desk software.

Cynthia Crosby, the blog founders says of Freelance Writing Pros' future goals, "We also want to build relationships with Editors,  to help writers, with development tasks like refining their query, and planning writing schedules.  We want to gain insights from Editors and Freelance Writing Executives, who will help show other writers the right path, to submitting their works for publishing."  Cynthia Crosby concludes.  "This will also help with planning and growth, and lead other writers to writing, and the business success they are seeking.

The next Phase of Growth for Freelance Writing Pros, will be continuing to connect with freelance writers, and to build strategic resources to support them in and along their careers. Building a strong audience of writers, who now have access to career tips, tools, and resources geared specifically towards their learning, education, and business career growth, is the blogs purpose, and reason for existence.

Freelance Writing Pros, is a writing and resource based blog, created by Entrepreneur and Blogger, Cynthia Crosby. The blog's, editorial focus is to teach beginners how to become paid freelance writers, and mid-level and professional level writers, how to develop their writing style, grow their careers, and to keep writers up-to-date on writing industry trends, and to know what Editor's are looking to publish in their publications.  

For queries to Freelance Writing Pros visit and submit your query.  For more resources check out Gina Horkey's Freelance Writing Resources, (affiliate links) 30 Days or Less Freelance Writing Success

Freelance Writing Career Profile  Is my first published book. It is available on Amazon.